The Word on the Streets (Do I Know You) project was brought together by artist Susan Francis with composer Howard Moody, to work with people going through the experience of homelessness, over a year and a half period. The culmination of this work resulted a series of short films projected around the streets of Salisbury and a final film, ‘Do I Know You’, projected in the cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral.
Team VIZBOX are delighted to have supported the project by a free loan of a weatherproof projector enclosure. The projection in Salisbury Cathedral was shown during the Big Sleep event, which annually raises money for the charity Alabaré.
Susan Francis said “The original aim of the project was to raise awareness of homelessness, but go to any city in the country now and you will quickly be confronted with the scale of the problem. What I hope the film does rather, is to raise awareness of the person behind the numbers, the individual, the reality of living as a complex, unique human being on the brutal and unforgiving territory of the streets, where holding onto the last scrap of identity is a daily battle. The film ‘Do I Know You’ (purposely without a question mark), projected onto the cathedral walls brings together the words of the individual experiencing homelessness with our own individual responses, underlining the fact that we share this community together and, in the same way, we therefore share a responsibility, in some way, for each other. Many Thanks to VIZBOX for supporting us with the free loan on a projector enclosure.”

To find out more about the project, go to